Upcoming Events

Last Updated on April 20, 2010

Friday April 23, 2010 (Jr. High)
***Jr. High will be invited to come on Wednesday April 21, 2010!!

Final Jr. High Friday Night!!
Date: Friday June 4, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
***This will be our last Friday night worship gathering of the school year. Over the summer we will only have fusion programming once a week which will be on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 for all fusion grades 6th -12th!

Kickin' It Old School!!
Date: Wednesday June 9, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
***For the summer months we will only have ONE youth service for ALL grades (6th-12th)! We will be kickin it Old School Style!! Spread the Word!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Are Christians So Weird?

Hey guys!
Tonight was a challenging night...I'm not going to lie. We were short help as we had some leaders sick and it was another packed night. We took some time Wednesday to talk about the outreach next week! We need a ton of help with it, so if interested please contact me. Also we will have some sign up sheets outside of church on Sunday for those who would be interested in getting involved!

This week's message was a little shorter than normal, but during the teaching time I asked the students why Christians feel the need to be weird all the time. This past weekend I was at Rock the Universe, a Christian event at Universal Studios, and I was overwhelmed by the behavior from students who claim to be Christ followers! The world looks at Christians as being weird, and after being at this event over the weekend I can see why.

As far as I can tell, Jesus does not call us to be weird. He calls us to be light. To shine so brightly for Him. Some Christians think they are weird because it is the Christian thing to do, but in reality they are weird because they're just weird! Jesus wants us to be more than weird, He calls us to stand out by the way we live of lives. This was the challenge to your student(s), next week we as a ministry are going to have an amazing opportunity to SHOW people how awesome Jesus is...the challenge being, lets make the most of that chance and shine like all get out for Christ!

I am excited and scared to death at the same time, but I just know Jesus WILL be with us next week, and that this outreach will be AMAZING!! GET INVOLVED...YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS OUT!!

Scriptures Used...
James 2:14-17;24;26



Anonymous said...

aTOMic TOM!!
get it?!??!

Latisha-RN said...


Keep up the great work you are doing with our youth.