Upcoming Events

Last Updated on April 20, 2010

Friday April 23, 2010 (Jr. High)
***Jr. High will be invited to come on Wednesday April 21, 2010!!

Final Jr. High Friday Night!!
Date: Friday June 4, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
***This will be our last Friday night worship gathering of the school year. Over the summer we will only have fusion programming once a week which will be on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 for all fusion grades 6th -12th!

Kickin' It Old School!!
Date: Wednesday June 9, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
***For the summer months we will only have ONE youth service for ALL grades (6th-12th)! We will be kickin it Old School Style!! Spread the Word!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Hello Gang,
I can not begin to say thank you for your patience as I know we are only one day away from camp and not everything is posted yet. I wanted to communicate some KEY things to help answer some of your questions.

We have changed the price of Chaos Camp...It is now 25.00. Our heart is to have everyone involved that would like to be involved. Please do not let money stop you from bringing your child! All the money is for is food and drinks throughout the weekend. If you would rather pack lunches for your child you do NOT have to pay the 25.00. Please make sure they have food though for the following times...
Friday Morning
Friday Afternoon
Friday Evening
Saturday Morning
We have some fridge space, but most of it will be used to store the food for the rest of the campers, please keep that in mind. If money is still a problem please speak with me directly, and we'll figure things out together. If your student is serious about meeting with God, I am willing to do whatever I need to do to make that possible!

What to Bring for Friday's Sleep Over
(When You Drop Off Your Student Friday Morning)...
Your son/daughter should bring 2-3 changes of clothes depending on how clean they like to be...seriously! We will be active all day Friday and I would think most people would like to change after their free time (See Schedule Above). Also they will need a change of clothes for Saturday morning. Please help us to keep this environment all weekend long distraction free...short skirts, tank tops, speedos and anything else that could cause distractions can stay home. This time is all about meeting together with God...I could really use your help on watching out for that! You need to bring a sleeping bag and pillow as WE WILL be sleeping Friday night. Also students need to have their toothbrush...again no distractions, and whatever bathroom supplies they might need. The church does not have a shower, so there will be NO showering going on, but students will have time to "freshen up" in the bathrooms in the lobby.

Pick up will be Saturday afternoon at noon. Please help us in dropping off and picking up your son/daughter on the times listed above on the schedule.

I am beyond stoked to watch God move in mighty ways this weekend! We have some really cool things planned and I really believe God is going to speak into the lives our students. We still need some help during free time on Friday, we need some help serving lunch and dinner Friday night. If you are interested please email (email listed in the top left hand corner) me and let me know! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me, otherwise I look forward to seeing you Thursday night. Thanks again for linking arms with me and this ministry! Please be looking over this blog site each day as I will list things to pray for as well as cool God moments! Thanks again mom and dad...you guys rock!


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