Upcoming Events

Last Updated on April 20, 2010

Friday April 23, 2010 (Jr. High)
***Jr. High will be invited to come on Wednesday April 21, 2010!!

Final Jr. High Friday Night!!
Date: Friday June 4, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
***This will be our last Friday night worship gathering of the school year. Over the summer we will only have fusion programming once a week which will be on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 for all fusion grades 6th -12th!

Kickin' It Old School!!
Date: Wednesday June 9, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
***For the summer months we will only have ONE youth service for ALL grades (6th-12th)! We will be kickin it Old School Style!! Spread the Word!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What's The Point of Prayer?

Hello Mom & Dad!!
Last Night was truly a cool night! We were blessed to be led in worship by Curtis Froisland, PRF's new Lead Worshipper. Curtis shared some music that he wrote that God used last night in a big way. He shared a song that was all about breathing in God and he posed the question to the students in a attendance what would their life be like if they truly breathed in God. I loved that question! After the song I challenged our community to think of what it would look like for fusion to be filled with students that are committed to continually breathe in our awesome Lord!

I invited students to stay in the worship center instead of breaking into tribes to pray to our God and invite Him to fill our lungs and lives...It was awesome to be apart of it for sure!

I finished up a message series on the Lord's Prayer and I simply asked the students last night what the point of prayer was. We talked about prayer being a key ingredient in a love relationship between the God of the universe and us! And that the whole point of prayer is to simply stay connected to the One we say we truly love! It was a neat night from start to finish!

Scriptures Used...
Luke 18:9-14
Revelation 3:15-20

Remember we have the Sr. High Lock-in tomorrow night! Also be lookin for some new news about chaos camp on sunday! Thanks for staying connected with us...we love you mom and dad!


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