Upcoming Events

Last Updated on April 20, 2010

Friday April 23, 2010 (Jr. High)
***Jr. High will be invited to come on Wednesday April 21, 2010!!

Final Jr. High Friday Night!!
Date: Friday June 4, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
***This will be our last Friday night worship gathering of the school year. Over the summer we will only have fusion programming once a week which will be on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 for all fusion grades 6th -12th!

Kickin' It Old School!!
Date: Wednesday June 9, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
***For the summer months we will only have ONE youth service for ALL grades (6th-12th)! We will be kickin it Old School Style!! Spread the Word!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Video Updates...Are You Serious???

Hey Mom and Dad,
This will more than likely be my last post that I write out to you, as I have gotten a new toy thanks to my boy Dustin Aagaard...a new video camera! So from now on each week i will post a summary of what we talked about at youth. I will share with you what scriptures we used and highlight any up-coming events you need to be aware of. Please take some time each week, and watch the video and be informed about what's going on within fusion!!

Also if you did not already know, you can listen to all of the messages online at www.pineridgefellowship.org. if you go to the church's site you can click on the messages tab and a player will pop up for you to select a message and play it. You can also subscribe to our podcast there which is cool. This will allow you to know what your son or daughter is being taught without ever having to step foot in the worship center on Wednesday nights!!! Anyways, take some time and check it out!!

Don't forget...fusion Open House on June 3!!! You do NOT want to miss this one!



1 comment:

Loretta said...

great post..There are some really interesting articles featured by our experts on the bizymoms Deltonacommunity experts page.